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Fireworks at Lake Ellyn "Sparkles" - Glen Ellyn, Illinois
The Glen Theater (B&W) - Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Glen Ellyn 4th of July Parade - Engine #1 - Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Riverbirch and Trail at Lake Ellyn - Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Riverbirch and Boathouse at Lake Ellyn - Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Boathouse at Lake Ellyn - Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Majestic Oak and Boathouse at Lake Ellyn - Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Fireworks at Lake Ellyn "Minnie" - Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Wrigley Building - "Clouds" (#1 of 3 Series) - Chicago, Illinois
Wrigley Building - "Cracked" (#2 of 3 Series) - Chicago, Illinois
Wrigley Building - "Raindrops" (#3 of 3 Series) - Chicago, Illinois
Wrigley Building - "Rails" - Chicago, Illinois